How can I upload photos to my profile?

After registering on eÇift, you can upload 12 photos to your profile.

  1.  To upload a photo, click the Menu key > My Profile > Add photo button..
  2. You can take a new profile picture using your phone's camera or select an existing photo in your gallery.
  3. You can resize and edit the photo you have selected or taken by rotating it. After completing this process, click on the "Done" button in the upper right corner to confirm the operation.
  4.  You need to select personal photos in jpg, png, or webp format for your profile.

eÇift Customer Service approves all the photos you upload within a maximum of 36 hours. You will be notified by email as soon as your photos are approved. The first photo you upload will also be your profile photo. You can change your profile photo at any time or select one of the other photos you have uploaded as your profile photo.

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