How does eÇift suggest members to me?

All members with whom you share a high compatibility rate and who meet your search criteria will appear on your ' Member Recommendations' list. When you view the profiles of the recommended members, you will see that you share a different compatibility rate with each of them. This rate is an indicator of how compatible you are with that member based on your personality analysis test results and other additional factors. A rate of 54% or higher is considered a very good level of compatibility. As new members join eÇift and you update your search criteria, your list of recommended members will also be updated based on these factors. However, if a member's location or age does not match your search criteria, they will not appear on your member recommendations list.

For example, if you are 35 years old and looking for someone aged between 35 and 40 who lives in Istanbul, your member recommendations list will only include members who are between the ages of 35 and 40, live in Istanbul, and meet the age and country criteria that match your own. A member who has specified age criteria between 25 and 29 and is also 35 years old, will not appear on your list. This is because you do not meet the age criteria specified by that member. Therefore, we recommend that you be flexible when specifying your search criteria for age. Otherwise, someone who may be very suitable for you may not appear on your list simply because of this criterion.

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