How is automatic subscription renewal done?

The Premium memberships for 3, 6, and 12 months are automatically renewed at the end of the membership period. This renewal is considered a continuation of the membership, and the same credit card used for the previous Premium Membership is charged for the same amount of time and at the standard price. The automatic membership renewal continues unless you cancel it. If the Premium Membership is automatically renewed by eÇift, the membership will continue under the same terms and conditions, including the duration and price, as stated in our usage terms. eÇift acknowledges that, even if more favorable or unfavorable conditions are foreseen for other members, the member subject to automatic renewal will be subject to the same terms and conditions as in their first membership renewal.

If you do not wish to renew your Premium membership automatically, you must inform eÇift in writing (via letter, fax, or email to or through the "Contact" menu, no later than 30 days before the end of the Premium membership period.

During the membership period, you can extend your membership at any time by clicking the "Renew your Premium membership now" link in the "Your Membership Settings" section of the menu.

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